01225 632 222

Monday - Friday
9am - 5:30pm

Georgian Grade II Listed Apartment Complex in Bath

4 Brunswick Place - Bath

As a retired Chartered Surveyor, you would imagine that Neil Dowdney, owner of 4 Brunswick Place in Bath, would be perfectly qualified to ensure the previous managing agent of the property actually did their job. However, despite his vast experience of the sector and an awareness of the common failings of many agents, even Neil was unable to develop a productive relationship with the agent concerned despite years of trying.

It is perhaps tempting to gloss over the gripes of disgruntled owners as no one likes paying money to third-party agents of any description, particularly with regards to their property, but this would only perpetuate the appalling service that characterises the sector. What these agents fail to appreciate is that people love their properties and take exception when they are mismanaged or devalued.

Neil cites the example of when water was seeping into his ceiling only to find that after months of complaining, it was caused by a dead pigeon in the guttering; a common problem in Bath and one that would have been avoided if even the most basic of maintenance schedules were in place. Sadly, this is an all-too-common tale, and one wonders how on earth these agents can live with themselves given the stress, damage and ill-will they create.

Thankfully, Neil's acute frustrations came to an end when Bath Leasehold took over the management of the Grade II listed property in 2019. Neil and his fellow owners now had a responsive agent at their disposal who were readily available to deal with the transition process and to resolve any queries quickly and efficiently. The owners took comfort that Bath Leasehold took care of all the regulatory responsibilities and issued compliant statutory notices for any major works.

It should be remembered that these are the fundamental obligations of any managing agent, and it is bewildering that so many flagrantly shirk their responsibilities despite the subsequent consequences. Neil concludes by musing that the minimum requirement of any agent is that they should be at least interested in managing a property like ours. Is that really too much to ask?

Neil Dowdney
Apartment Owner

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